Same day appointments
Fast turnround
We come to you
Highly trained vehicle inspectors
If you’re looking to sell, register or re-register a vehicle in Queensland you’ll likely need a Roadworthy or Safety Certificate. Depending on your vehicle type, you may need a Certificate of Inspection and perhaps a HVRAS inspection.
Find out whether your vehicle needs a roadworthy inspection and which certificates are compulsory before you can sell or register your vehicle in QLD.
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Benefits of our Mobile Roadworthy Certificate Services
Onsite Roadworthy Inspections
We come to you! We cover a large service area from Gold Coast to Brisbane and all suburbs in between. Mobile inspections for all vehicle types are available.
Personalised Service
As a family owned business, we pride ourselves on superior and personalised service. We guarantee friendly service and support throughout your interaction with us.
Fast Turnaround
Same day service may be available in your area. If not, we aim to book you in for an inspection within 24-48 hours. If your vehicle passes, you will receive an immediate certificate.
Government Approved Inspectors
Our technicians are highly trained and skilled when it comes to inspecting all types of vehicles for roadworthiness and road safety.
Mobile Roadworthy, Certificate of Inspection and HVRAS Inspection FAQs

Can you do a roadworthy inspection at my house or while I am at work?
Can you do a roadworthy check immediately or on the same day I call?
How much does a Roadworthy or Safety Certificate cost?
Do I need a Certificate of Inspection (COI) or HVRAS as well?
How long does a roadworthy last?
Our Roadworthy Inspections and Services are Backed by 100% Customer Satisfaction
Road Vehicle Safety Certificates
If you are selling or registering a light vehicle up to 4.5 tonnes in QLD you will need a Roadworthy Certificate (Safety Certificate) or RWC for short. We can provide this certificate if you are selling your vehicle in Gold Coast or Brisbane or if you are relocating from another state and your vehicle has not been registered in QLD before. We can issue a Roadworthy Certificate for the following types of vehicles in all makes and models:
- Passenger cars
- Muscle cars
- Classic cars
- Utes
- 4 wheel drives
- Vans
- Camper vans
- Mini buses
- Small or light trucks (weighing less than 4.5 tonnes)
- Hire cars, limousines and taxis (contact us to see if you also need a Certificate of Inspection for these vehicles)
This list is not comprehensive, if you have a light vehicle not listed here, feel free to ask us how we can help you register or sell it in Queensland. Certain special vehicles may need additional inspections completed.
If you are selling a motorbike, moped or scooter in QLD you will need a Roadworthy Certificate (Safety Certificate) or RWC for short. We can provide a roadworthy certificate if you are selling your bike in Gold Coast or Brisbane or if you are relocating from another state and it has not been registered in QLD before. We can issue a Roadworthy Certificate for the following types of vehicles:
- Motorbike
- Moped
- Scooter
- Trike
- Off-road bike
- Quad bike
- Dirt Bike
If your type of bike is not listed here, contact us to see how we can help as this list is not comprehensive.
Caravan or light trailer
In Queensland, if you are selling or registering a caravan or light trailer up to 3.5 tonnes, you will likely need a Safety Certificate. We can provide this certificate if you are selling your trailer in Gold Coast or Brisbane or if you are relocating and your vehicle has not been registered in QLD before. We can issue a Safety Certificate for the following types of caravans and light trailers:
- Caravans
- Car trailers
- Camper trailers
- Box trailers
- Flat tray trailers
- Boat trailers
- Horse floats
- Dog trailers
- Pig trailers
- Other special purpose trailers with no additional load
This list is not comprehensive, if you have a light caravan or trailer not listed here, feel free to ask us how we can help you register or sell it in Queensland. Certain special vehicles may need additional inspections completed.
In Queensland, if you are selling or registering a truck up to 4.5 tonnes, you will likely need to complete a truck roadworthy. We can offer you a Roadworthy Certificate or RWC for short. Additionally, you may also need a Certificate of Inspection (which renews yearly) or a HVRAS inspection if your truck has not been registered in Queensland before. We can provide all of these inspections if they are required for your truck. If you’re based in the Gold Coast, Brisbane or anywhere in between, we can come to your premises for a mobile truck roadworthy inspection for any of these types of trucks:
- Fire trucks
- Concrete trucks
- Flat trays (Flat beds)
- Tippers
- Pantechs
- Concrete mixers
- Water trucks
- Refrigerated box trucks
- Prime movers
- Special purpose vehicles with no extra load
This list is not comprehensive, if you have a truck that’s not listed here, feel free to ask us how we can help you get the correct certification it needs.
Heavy trailers & motorhomes
In Queensland, if you are selling or registering a heavy trailer or motorhome over 3.5t and up to 10t, you will likely need to complete a number of inspections as part of your roadworthy check. We can offer you a Certificate of Inspection (which renews yearly) or a HVRAS inspection if your vehicle has not been registered in Queensland before. We can provide all required inspections for your vehicle if they are required for your motorhome or heavy trailer. If you’re based in the Gold Coast, Brisbane or anywhere in between, we can come to your premises for a mobile roadworthy inspection for any of these:
- Motorhomes
- Horse floats
- Heavy caravans
- Camper trailers
- Dog trailers
- Box trailers
- Car trailers
- Boat trailers
- Flat tray trailers
- Pig trailers
- Other special purpose trailers with no additional load
This list is not comprehensive, if you have a trailer that’s not listed here, feel free to ask us how we can help you get the correct certification it needs.
Heavy vehicles & trailers
If you are in Queensland and selling or registering a truck over 4.5 tonnes and up to 16 tonnes, you will likely need to complete a truck roadworthy. You will need to a current Certificate of Inspection (COI) (which renews yearly) to use your vehicle on QLD roads. You may also need a HVRAS inspection if your truck has not been registered in Queensland before. If your truck requires extra inspections in addition to a general roadworthy check, we can bundle these inspections for you in the same visit. If you’re based in the Gold Coast, Brisbane or anywhere in between, we can come to your premises for a mobile roadworthy inspection for any of these types of heavy trucks:
- Prime movers
- Fire trucks
- Water trucks
- Pantechs
- Concrete mixers
- Concrete trucks
- Refrigerated box trucks
- Flat trays (Flat beds)
- Tippers
- Special purpose vehicles with no extra load (including cranes)
This list is not comprehensive, if you have a heavy truck or vehicle that’s not listed here, feel free to ask us how we can help you get the correct certification it needs.